Definitons: EE1: Ratio of total primary energy supply to GDP (MJ per $2011 PPP GDP) EE2: Share of renewable to total final energy consumption (Percent) EW1: Water use efficiency (USD per m3) EW2: Share of freshwater withdrawal to available freshwater resources (Percent) SL1: Average soil organic carbon content (Ton per hectare) SL2: Share of organic agriculture to total agricultural land area (percent) ME1: Total domestic material consumption (DMC) per unit of GDP (DMC kg per GDP) ME2: Total material footprint (MF) per capita (MF tons per capita)
Definitions: EQ1: PM2.5 air pollution, mean annual population-weighted exposure (Micrograms per m3) EQ2: DALY rate due to unsafe water sources (DALY lost per 100,000 persons) EQ3: Municipal solid waste (MSW) generation per capita (Ton per year per capita) GE1: Ratio of CO2 emissions to population, excluding AFOLU (Metric tons per capita) GE2: Ratio of non-CO2 emissions to population, excluding AFOLU (Ton per capita) GE3: Ratio of non-CO2 emissions in agriculture to population (Gigagrams per 1000 persons) BE1: Average proportion of Key Biodiversity Areas covered by protected areas (Percent) BE2: Share of forest area to total land area (Percent) BE3: Soil biodiversity, potential level of diversity living in soils (Index) CV1: Red list index (Index) CV2: Tourism and recreation in coastal and marine areas (Score) CV3: Share of terrestrial and marine protected areas to total territorial areas (Percent)
Definitions: GV1: Adjusted net savings, minus natural resources and pollution damages (Percent GNI) GT1: Share of export of environmental goods (OECD & APEC class.) to total export (Percent) GJ1: Share of green employment in total manufacturing employment (Percent) GN1: Share of patent publications in environmental technology to total patents (Percent)
Definitions: AB1: Population with access to safely managed water and sanitation (Percent) AB2: Population with access to electricity and clean fuels/technology (Percent) AB3: Fixed Internet broadband and mobile cellular subscriptions (Number per 100 people) GB1: Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (Percent) GB2: Ratio of female to male with account in financial institution, age 15+ (Percent) GB3: Getting paid, covering laws and regulations for equal gender pay (Score) SE1: Inequality in income based on Atkinson (Index) SE2: Ratio of urban to rural, access to safely managed water/sanitation & electricity (Percent) SE3: Share of youth not in education, employment or training, aged 15-24 years (Percent) SP1: Proportion of population above statutory pensionable age receiving pension (Percent) SP2: Healthcare access and quality index (Index) SP3: Proportion of urban population living in slums (Percent)